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Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15)
I'm going to try my best :P

Mega Crobat
Type: Poison/Flying
Ability: Protean (Changes the Pokémon's type to the type of the move it's using)

Base stats
HP: 85 -> 85
ATK: 90 -> 120 (+30)
DEF: 80 -> 85 (+5)
SpATK: 70 -> 130 (+60)
SpDEF: 80 -> 85 (+5)
SPE: 130 - 130

Total: 535 - 635

Why it Breaks the Metagame: Crobat's incredible speed is now blessed with a new ability, Protean, that comes from its Mega evolution. Mega Crobat gets a huge SpAtk boost and a decent Atk boost aswell, while increasing a bit its overall bulk too. This pokemon does get access to great and powerful STAB moves such as Brave Bird, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Steel Wing, X Scissor, Giga Drain, Dark Pulse and Zen Headbutt (@edit: and Heat Wave too, oh my god). Having one of the most unpredictable movepools and being one of the fastest pokemons aswell and being able to hit hard with nearly half of the current types in the game too, make Mega Crobat one of the scariest mega evolutions in the game.

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RE: Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15) - by GiMYz - Feb 14, 2015, 09:55 PM

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