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Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15)
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Mega Conkeldurr (This man is juggling boulders)
Type: Fighting
Ability: Guts (Ahh, yes, can you feel the burn?)
HP: 105
ATK: 140 -> 185
DEF: 95 -> 120
SPA: 55 -> 10 (Making M-Beedrill look alright after all)
SPD: 65 -> 150
SPE: 45 -> 5 (Gettin' on that Shuckle level)

I took the SPA and SPE down because Conkeldurr doesn't need it - there seriously is no reason to outspeed anything in the metagame. To keep it realistic, I just took the SPE and SPA from Shuckle. To make it even more realistic, I borrowed M-Heracross's ATK. The DEF and SPD were just divvied up so I could survive ridiculous stuff with a max HP investment like Choice Specs Hyper Voice Sylveon, Choice Band Brave Bird Talonflame, Play Rough Azumarill, and other things I totally shouldn't live. I wanted to keep Guts simply because it's such a good ability to have on Conkeldurr and I didn't want to run anything just because of the risk of getting burned on some occasion. Plus, if I was playing doubles, I could even burn my own Conkeldurr. The reason why I don't care about outspeeding things is because Drain Punch does ridiculous amounts of damage to everything. With that and my bulk, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get any damage I take back in recovery (unless it's something like a Choice Specs Sylveon of course). Conkeldurr's movepool is so amazing that there really isn't anything that I fear. With choices of Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Poison Jab, and even Stone Edge/Rock Slide, there isn't really anything that Conkeldurr can't hit.

It doesn't care about T-wave Thundurus. If Whimsicott cares to encore me, I guess I'm just going to keep KOing everything. Landorus faints to an Ice Punch. M-Kangaskhan is OHKO'd to a ridiculous degree. Not to mention, because Drain Punch is a OHKO on M-Kang, I get something like 50% HP back. Thanks to my ridiculous ATK, I could take away a lot of EVs in DEF or even dump it all into ATK so I can do healthy chunks of damage to things that resist me.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.

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RE: Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15) - by Rogue - Feb 14, 2015, 10:17 PM

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