May 1, 2015, 01:34 PM
One thing people have seen about Yooka-Laylee is that the "main" character (the one that walks, their both main characters), Yooka has alot more funtionality than Banjo. With all Banjo and Kazooie's main abilities it was mainly Kazooie that did the work (helping with flying/gliding and swimming and so on). But in this game its seems they both have features that are iconic to playing the game for example Yooka's tonge grapping ability. Thats saying even if Banjo didnt do as much it was still an amazing game, i just think this new game has the possiblity to actually be the succesor which would be awesome. This game is showing alot of promise already.
btw i just plegde the 15 usd for the steam copy and the special credits thanks :D
btw i just plegde the 15 usd for the steam copy and the special credits thanks :D
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