Alright, I'm done
6IV Adamant tailow:
Brave bird, peck, u-turn, steel wing
5IV (missing HP) Brave squirtle (sorry couldnt get a female to pass on adamant nature):
Waterfall, Fake Out(egg move), Aqua Jet(egg move), Ice beam
5IV (missing HP) Modest Charmander:
Rock Slide, Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
as for the noibat... I happen to have lost my noibat and noivern somewhere, I can't find them
Soooooo if you are happy with what I have right now we can trade ^^ (If you are not I can put some more effort in but that's going to be after my exams...)
6IV Adamant tailow:
Brave bird, peck, u-turn, steel wing
5IV (missing HP) Brave squirtle (sorry couldnt get a female to pass on adamant nature):
Waterfall, Fake Out(egg move), Aqua Jet(egg move), Ice beam
5IV (missing HP) Modest Charmander:
Rock Slide, Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
as for the noibat... I happen to have lost my noibat and noivern somewhere, I can't find them
Soooooo if you are happy with what I have right now we can trade ^^ (If you are not I can put some more effort in but that's going to be after my exams...)