Jun 25, 2015, 02:17 PM
Forum Name: Steinthor
IGN: Steinthor
FC: 5026-4432-2398
Game: Y
TSV: 2387
Timezone: EST (US)
I'm looking for someone to hatch eggs of values 3079, 0145, 0913 and 2898. I'll gladly hatch any egg with my shiny value! Just message me with the name you want for it and when you'll be on!
Forum Name: Steinthor
IGN: Steinthor
FC: 5026-4432-2398
Game: Y
TSV: 2387
Timezone: EST (US)
I'm looking for someone to hatch eggs of values 3079, 0145, 0913 and 2898. I'll gladly hatch any egg with my shiny value! Just message me with the name you want for it and when you'll be on!