Pokegen- claydol
Nickname (none) F @ leftovers
Ability: levitate
Shiny: yes
IVs: 6
EVs: 4HP / Atk / Def /252 Spe / 252SpA / SpD
Nature: modest
- Moveset not customizable due to some
moves people choose being illegal.
ign guillaume
ball: doesn't matter
deposited a female poochyena lv 2, thanks for doing this
Nickname (none) F @ leftovers
Ability: levitate
Shiny: yes
IVs: 6
EVs: 4HP / Atk / Def /252 Spe / 252SpA / SpD
Nature: modest
- Moveset not customizable due to some
moves people choose being illegal.
ign guillaume
ball: doesn't matter
deposited a female poochyena lv 2, thanks for doing this