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Week 9 Meet & Greet - Come Take a Seat!
Is there a legendary in pokemon that troubles you, almost killed your entire team?, wont get inside the pokeball?
On the free battlespot I've had very deep troubles with primal groudon. Thank god there is nothing like him in regular play. The jerk. Killing my raichu and being immune to my current teams burns and para...

Are you looking forward to the new Pokemon Super mystery dungeon game coming out next month? If so, what are you most excited about? If not well...uh...whats your favorite breed of dog?
I actually am. I've never played any non-main-series titles but this one is getting a lot of hype. For dogs... probably labs. They're just so smart and loyal.

Where on the forum do you spend most of your time, and why?
Recent posts. I just like talking to others about pokemon. I like helping out people starting pokemon. I like seeing how people think differently about it than me.

Is there a pokemon with a move it should know but it doesnt for some reason?
I'm pretty sure that ferroseed's totally boss original graphics were taken away in gen 6 because it was improbable that it didn't learn rapid spin. Would've been so cool. Now he just sits there like a chump.
[Image: 597.gif]

Who do you think should be Forum President Eckley or PkPatriot?
Eckley. The troll quotient from pk being president would implode all things.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Week 9 Meet & Greet - Come Take a Seat! - by bradar485 - Oct 23, 2015, 02:16 PM
RE: Week 9 Meet & Greet - Come Take a Seat! - by Apo - Oct 23, 2015, 04:47 PM

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