Oct 25, 2015, 10:34 PM
(Oct 25, 2015, 11:19 AM)Jaamon Wrote: HelloFirst of all i want you to thank you for doing this.I know that there are so many people who doesn't know how to breed perfectly or maybe they don't have enough time for it.My request is a heracross with adamant nature and i guess i need rock blast(egg move).I'm new to gen6 so if you have any opinions i'll gladly listen.And btw you are breeding with 5+IVs i guess?
I'm here to help my fellow trainers. I hope to get more requests. I also ev train pokemon for people but that takes a bit longer. I got your heracross for you. I will send you a request for your code and trade ya the next time we're both on. I'm on est time so let me know what time is good for you. my 3ds handle is Kanji and my in game name is Mark