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LF: Mew/Meloetta/Genesect/Shiny Gardevoir
Looking For:
Any Mew
Any Meloetta
Any Genesect
Shiny Female Gardevoir

I have the following Pokémon for trade:
Lvl.100 Mega Latios (M)
Lvl.100 Greninja (M)
Lvl.50 Yveltal (Traded)
Lvl.53 Ho-Oh
Lvl.12 HA Shiny Ninetales (F) (Traded)
Lvl.57 Shiny Graveler (F)
Lvl.65 BR Aegislash (M)
Lvl.66 Weavile (M)
Lvl.95 Infernape (M)
Lvl.59 Blaziken (M)
Lvl.1 HA Froakie x4 (3M,1F)

Willing to trade 2 Pokémon for Mew/Meloetta/Genesect
Thanks a lot!

Messages In This Thread
LF: Mew/Meloetta/Genesect/Shiny Gardevoir - by Darren - Nov 13, 2015, 08:09 PM

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