Dec 9, 2015, 12:15 AM
(Dec 8, 2015, 01:21 PM)TheWildShannon Wrote:Add me and were gonna trade(Dec 8, 2015, 12:44 PM)wolfogo010 Wrote:(Dec 8, 2015, 12:29 PM)TheWildShannon Wrote:Can you give me more details about the Tornadus(Dec 8, 2015, 11:08 AM)wolfogo010 Wrote: I can trade the following pokemon
Shiny Deoxyss lvl 100
Two shiny Xerneas lvl 100
Shiny Thundurus lvl 100
Shiny Giratina lvl 70
Shiny Yveltal lvl 100
Shiny Heatran lvl 50 Female
Normal Lugia lvl 70
Shiny Slaking lvl 100 Male
Shiny Gardevoir lvl 100 Female nicknamed: Emily
Shiny Umbreon lvl 100 Male nicknamed: Moonlight
Shiny Lopunny lvl 100 Female
Shiny Sandslash lvl 100 Male
Shiny Espeon lvl 50 Male
(I am not very fast accepting an offer because these pokes are very special to me, so just give a good offer)
can i have the thunderus? I can trade u my BR shiny tornadus
level: 100
nature: serious
ability: regenerator
moves: Hurricane, Dark Pulse, Hammer Arm, Thrash