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[TRADE] LF: 6IV Modest Groudon, Hoenn Born. Big For-Trade List
As the title says, I'm looking for a Modest 6IV Groudon, Hoenn Born.

For Trade: (All are either Hoenn or Kalos Born)

Shiny Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31/31 Latios
Shiny Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31/31 Latios
Shiny Timid 30/x/31/31/31/31 Reshiram
Shiny Timid 6IV Tornadus (Has a nickname)
Shiny Bold 31/x/31/31/31/31 Suicune
Shiny Flawless Brave / Adamant Heracross
Shiny Flawless Jolly Pinsir
Shiny Flawless Jolly Lopunny
Shiny FlawlessBrave / Adamant Conkeldurr
Shiny Flawless Jolly Lucario
Shiny Flawless HP Ground Sylveon
Shiny Flawless Modest Hydreigon
Shiny Flawless Timid HP Rock Serperior
Shiny Flawless Timid HP Ice Sceptile
Shiny Flawless Bold Milotic
Shiny Flawless Modest Swampert (Has a nickname)
Shiny Flawless Quiet 0Spe HP Rock Abomasnow (Nicknameable)
Shiny Flawless Bold Luxray
Shiny Flawless Jolly / Calm Gallade (Has a nickname)
Shiny Flawless Jolly 6IV Beedrill
(All are flawless)Sassy 0Spe / Sassy / Relaxed 0Spe / Relaxed Cresselia
31/even/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice) Zapdos
Naive 6IV Deoxys (Nicknameable)
Jolly 31/31/31/30/31/31 Rayquaza (Nicknameable)
Flawless Adamant / Jolly Terrakion
Flawless Modest HP Ice Raikou
Flawless Adamant Entei

Non-Pentagon Rares:
Shiny SUM2013 Giratina, Naughty Nature, 6IV
Plasma Genesect, Naive Nature, 6IV

Indefinite amount of Master Balls
Indefinite amount of Ability Capsules

Messages In This Thread
LF: 6IV Modest Groudon, Hoenn Born. Big For-Trade List - by Bard o' Rage - Dec 18, 2015, 10:35 AM

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