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[SHINY] Top 10 Worst Shiny Pokemon [In my Opinion]
why do all the good shinys get ruined by f'ing green. GREEN? like they didnt have control over different kinds of colour palette swaps. its like they just went with the first one they saw and said, aw screw diversity, only nerds will see these shinys anyways....right?then you got the sunburnt pokemon who are way to red (solgaleo,heliolisk,moltress) and then you have the pokemon who look like they didnt get the memo about free tans(gengar,garchomp) or the pokemon who look like they barely got tanned at all(raichu). its like geezus christ. if the internet can make good colour palettes then why couldnt nintendo in the first place?!

Messages In This Thread
Top 10 Worst Shiny Pokemon [In my Opinion] - by Kris - Jan 26, 2018, 06:42 PM
RE: Top 10 Worst Shiny Pokemon [In my Opinion] - by Umbreon9004 - Jan 26, 2018, 10:23 PM

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