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[SHOP OPEN] Regret's Trade Shop- Rare Events / Competitive HA+EM Shinies
Hello people. Looking to trade events with people who have legit checked their Pokemon as well! If you do not know about/how to legit check your Pokemon, feel free to PM me and I will point you to the right people. I can also clone in case it is needed.I am looking for only events. Please refer to my wants list or otherwise offer anything I do not already have listed. If offering non-event, it MUST be HA+4em Shiny 6iv. Anything less and I would just have to breed out an improved version myself.My list;

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Regret's Trade Shop- Rare Events / Competitive HA+EM Shinies - by GamingWIthRegret - Dec 31, 2017, 04:23 PM

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