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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Ash pika Cap Kalos released.
[Image: ashs-pikachu-kalos-hat-sm--1504769753855_1280w.jpg]

Ash pikachu hat has been released.

18 minutes ago.

Happy hunting.
@Drangor2 What is there to hunt for? It's not like there are multiple natures or anything.
(Oct 16, 2017, 05:29 PM)AverageJoe Wrote: @Drangor2 What is there to hunt for? It's not like there are multiple natures or anything.

IVs!  They can be reset. Smile
@AverageJoe Hi, some people collect them for collections and trade rare stuff for them, right now i'm collecting them too to trade to someone that give rare stuff for them.

(You can softreset to get different ivs though, but i just random take one in 9 lang)
I just wish they had good natures. I'd totally go on Battle Spot with my Ash' Sinnoh Team
Thanks for all the good times~
I have the Kanto hat (i think). I would be willing to trade it if anyone wants it
@AverageJoe The best thing is to go to ''breeding/trading section'' and Put something like this

Just an example below>>

""FT: Ash hat cap Kanto. LF: ''''

By LF(looking for) you can put someting you need/like

I saw some people wanting those caps a few days ago somewhere.

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