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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Powersaves and PKHex Thread
Hey guys, some users have shown interest in a thread where people with access to either Powersaves or PKHex could offer their services. If you want to help in this project, please contect @yugiohtrav12. Thank you!
If you could contact me either on discord or here with the following information:

1)How long have you been with the community?
2) How Long have you been using PKHex/Powersaves?
3) When you are available
4) Would you like to be contacted on the forums or discord or both?

Thanks I will taking apps for about a week to give everyone who wants to apply the chance to. I will get back to who ever I selected as soon as possible!
The Resident Duelist of PokemonForever    

                                                          VGC enthusiast!
                                                                                   The Yugi Moto of pokemon
1)How long have you been with the community? not that long as i found this site about a week ago
2) How Long have you been using PKHex/Powersaves? pretty much ever since X/Y released
3) When you are available? this depends on what I have going on at the time
4) Would you like to be contacted on the forums or discord or both? probably on the forums as I do usually check the recent threads as well as sometimes checking the forums
1 about ayear now
2 a year but mine is brokrn right now im getting wednesday a second won
3almost everyday
4 both then i have more contact
(Dec 26, 2016, 12:01 PM)Pkmnlover Wrote: 1)How long have you been with the community? not that long as i found this site about a week ago
2) How Long have you been using PKHex/Powersaves? pretty much ever since X/Y released
3) When you are available? this depends on what I have going on at the time
4) Would you like to be contacted on the forums or discord or both? probably on the forums as I do usually check the recent threads as well as sometimes checking the forums

please send this to me in a message on here thanks! Smile
The Resident Duelist of PokemonForever    

                                                          VGC enthusiast!
                                                                                   The Yugi Moto of pokemon
What is powersaves? Is that when you hit the save button really, REALLY, hard?
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
(Dec 26, 2016, 09:24 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: What is powersaves? Is that when you hit the save button really, REALLY, hard?
don't you know that? o.0

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