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[ART] In Need of Art...
Hey Everyone. I was wondering iv anyone could make me a profile picture that has a Garchomp and a Magcargo in it. If anyone could I would be overwhelmed with joy. And also I can't draw worth crap and to prove I shall bring up my best drawing ever[Image: 8lgi2jl.png] But seriously can I please get that art? Thanks to anyone who has a kind heart and is willing to do this for me.
I would be looking for something similar as well.
This is my time to shine lol. But in all seriousness, I might be able to do it for you. It will take a while since I don't have the best art skills but I think I'm decent. And also school getting in the way it would take even longer but let me see what I can do if I can make the time.
OMG Thank you dude! That would be amazing and time wouldn't be an issue at all. Just take as long as you need and thanks again!

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