I haven't had much luck with the Rowlet I'm currently trying to Masuda (1300 eggs and still nothing, grrr) and I'm not SRing this time around so I have a bunch of breedjects. I'm planning on breeding more Pokemon in the future but this is what I have to offer for now:
Rowlet (30x and counting) Lv. 1 Adamant 6IV Pokeball
If you want one and ideally have breedjects to offer in return, please let me know!
Can I trade a mudbray 5 perfect iv
(Hopefully) added everyone who wants one via FC - is anyone at the plaza rn? If not I'll be here again tomorrow some time - it's past 10pm where I live and I need my beauty sleep
(Dec 8, 2016, 11:01 AM)nandawin Wrote: @vaporeonite I would love one. Can I trade you a Porygon Breedject? Modest Nature, Trace, 5Ivs (HP-Pretty Good)?
Of course!
(Dec 8, 2016, 11:18 AM)al19 Wrote: I can offer a 5 IV pichu with wish?
Nice! I'd love it!
(Dec 8, 2016, 11:26 AM)belmont08 Wrote: Good afternoon my friend. I want to take one of this rowlets if you had any left. Thanks a lot
Hi there! :D I have more than enough left!
I already registered all of you via FCs - just add me back and then we can meet up at the plaza to trade