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[BREEDJECTS] Free Rotom Breedjects for the Taking!
@Erica And Foxybae

Online now. I'll send you the request. Watch for me, the IGN's Oai'i.

- 0kamii

P.S. Enjoy the Rotom! Hope to see some replays! 
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
(Sep 30, 2017, 02:42 PM)0kamii Wrote: @Erica And Foxybae

Online now. I'll send you the request. Watch for me, the IGN's Oai'i.

- 0kamii

P.S. Enjoy the Rotom! Hope to see some replays! 

aaaaaa thank youu
@0kamii NVM, you can take my request off, I'm good thanks
Thanks for all the good times~
@"Criminal Lover"

I still have your breedjects for when you guys want them. Let me l know when you're online.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@0kamii I have been checking on relatively often and you are not online. It's odd. We keep missing other. Is there a time I could aim for tomorrow or Sunday? I am quite busy working tomorrow but I think I should be free late evening.

I'm free all day on Sunday, if that works? Just tell me when and in which timezone and you can be sure that I'll be around. I've been kind of inactive because of work lately, but I should have more free time coming up. Will that work for you?

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@0kamii I am EST. My parents usually make me go to church in the mornings which is around ten AM. I should be free before that and most likely after that.

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