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Be Our Guest - If you posted before my Comment then PM me to get your pokemon
Pokemon deposited: Foongus
Gender: Male
Pokemon wanted: Chandelure
Asking for lv91 to 100

Thank you!

also would love a Gardevoir too if possible
Pokemon deposited: Passimian (Chinese)
IGN: Alma 
Gender: Male
Level: 19
Pokemon wanted: Gardevoir

Thanks in advance!
Pokemon deposited: Dewpider
Pokemon wanted: Gardevoir
IGN Will
Asking for lv91 to 100

Thanks in advance!
Pokemon deposited: Finneon
IGN: Dominion
Gender: Male
Level: 19
Pokemon wanted: Gardevoir

I am also availiable for trade for the absol between 3:30 and 5 mountain time tomorrow. My fc is 0919-9861-4051.
Thanks again!
Ty for Gardevoir ! :D
Pokemon deposited:Minun in a Moonball Wink
Pokemon wanted: Gardevoir
Message : I want a Pokemon strong in battles!
Hey @Colette am I still able to get the chandelure?^.^
Hi can I have shiny absol(with mega stone) and the shiny Gardevoir can they both be done over normaly trading ,Thanks. Smile
Fc:5215 4741 2466
would I still be able to get Belle? 

Pokemon deposited: Pyukumuku
IGN: Ian
Gender: Male
Level: 55
Pokemon wanted: Belle

Thank you <3!  Smile

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