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Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15)
Hello ladies and germs! Boys and grills! (Kidding, of course. Everyone knows grills don't play video games  kappa )

Welcome to the first episode of the new hit game show that's sweeping the nation:

Break!                  The!               Metagame!

In the only game show where we think of the most devious ways in which to destroy the hopes and dreams of our competitors in hopes of winning prizes!

I'll be your host, PKPatriot56. Let's get started!

General rules:
  • Each "episode", you will be assigned a task and guidelines to follow. Your job is to then complete said task and abide by any guidelines provided in order to create the most overpowered and game breaking idea as possible that would, if implemented into the actual games, absolutely dominate/destroy the metagame as we know it. 
  • After an allotted time, I will judge all of the entries and decide which one(s) will be the winner(s) of this episode, thus being eligible for a prize to be explained below.
  • Each user on the forums is only allowed ONE entry per episode. Any attempted entries after any user's first will be ignored/deleted. Repeated entries may even result in disqualification from the competition.
  • Any user is, however, allowed to edit their own entry at will. Just be aware that once the time limit for this episode has passed, you will no longer be able to make any kind of edit to your entry and doing so may lead to disqualification.
  • Any entries submitted after I officially end the competition via posting to this thread will be ignored.
  • Please keep in mind that the judging will be done by me and thus will be rather subjective. As a result, it may very well help your case to explain exactly why your entry would theoretically break the metagame and/or why it should be chosen as the winner.
  • You will be notified both within this thread and by PM if you are chosen as a winner and you will have a week to reply before a new winner is chosen.
  • The number of winners in a given episode may vary depending on both the number of entries and my own ability to distribute prizes at any given time.

And so, without further adieu, today's task will be to:
Create a new Mega Evolution!

Your entry must also follow these guidelines:

  • You mush create a unique Mega Evolution for a Pokemon that already exists as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and is in its highest evolutionary form as of these games.

  • You are allowed to change the chosen Pokemon's ability so long as the ability: a) exists as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and b) makes sense to exist on the Pokemon to whom it is being given. (AKA no throwing Parental Bond onto everything)

  • You are allowed to change the Pokemon's type upon Mega Evolution so long as it retains one of the types it had prior to Mega Evolution.

  • You are allowed to edit the Mega Evolution's base stats at will, but the result of the changes MUST be that the Mega Evolution's Base Stat Total is exactly 100 points greater than that of its base form.

  • You are NOT allowed to alter a Pokemon's HP stat upon Mega Evolution.

  • You are NOT allowed to use a Pokemon that, in its base form, has a Base Stat Total that is higher than 600. This is designed to make the competition a bit more challenging and to eliminate that generic "Huge Power Mega Slaking" idea.

  • Assume that the Pokemon MUST hold a Mega Stone in order to facilitate Mega Evolution.

  • Assume that your Pokemon's move pool is limited to what it is as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

  • You ARE allowed to create a new Mega Evolution for a Pokemon that already has one as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and so long as it follow the guidelines laid out already and is not simply a replica of the one that already exists.
  • Remember that creativity counts! While breaking the metagame is the end goal here, in the end, impressing me (with creativity especially) is more likely to give you the win.

Aaaaand if you win, you'll win the fabulous prize of:
A BR Pokemon from our (my) wonderful showcase!

The showcase can be found here. 
All prizes (so far) are bred and trained by me personally in my copy of Pokemon Omega Ruby, so I can assure you that each one will be 100% legitimate.
I also apologize if you find the showcase to be a tad lacking. This is set up as a trial run for this series and the showcase will thus grow as both this series as well as my own collection of BR Pokemon grow.

Showcase rules:
  • A winner may select ONE prize from the showcase per episode won.
  • I ask that each winner provide a desired nature, IV spread,  EV spread, and move set for their chosen prize. Otherwise, I will provide a "standard" set, or simply provide one from a build on the forums of one is available.
  • For IV spreads, I can currently provide a BR Pokemon with 5 IVs of 31, any combination of 5 IVs of either 31 or 30 (for Hidden Power), or 4 IVs of 31 with a Speed IV of 0 (for Trick Room).
  • Please note that items will only be provided with a Pokemon that requires the item and trade in order to facilitate evolution. (For example, I will provide a Metal Coat with a BR Scyther if you request Scizor as a prize, but I will not provide Scizorite, a Choice Band, etc.)
  • Please keep in mind that I will be breeding and training these Pokemon on my own time and on the schedule of a busy high school student, so please be patient in waiting for your prize to be ready! I will try to keep you up to date with my progress.
Episode One of Break the Metagame will end on February 17, 2015 at 8:00 PM EST.
This is really just a trial run to see if such a game will work out, so if it is successful, expect to see more episodes in the future!
Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for Break the Metagame, feel free to let me know so I can steal implement them in future episodes. 
                                                                                                                                                                                          (and give credit to you, of course!)

Good luck to all, and happy breaking! kappa

Winners Update!
Everyone wins this episode! (I was already planning to have about this many winners, anyway kappa )
So if everyone wants to check out the prize speadsheet above and either post what they want (including nature, EVs, and moves, please) below or PM me the same information, I'll get to each prize as soon as possible!

Thank you everyone for your participation and the effort everyone put into their submissions.
I'd also very much appreciate any suggestions anyone has to make Break the Metagame even better in the future. :D
***Sample Response***
Mega Kangaskhan
Type: Normal
Ability: Parental Bond (Every move used by the Pokémon will hit twice. The damage inflicted by the second hit is reduced by 50%. If the move used is a damaging move, each hit is capable of afflicting Secondary Effects and Critical Hits)

Base Stats:
HP: 105 -> 105
Attack: 95 -> 125 (+30)
Defense: 80 -> 100(+20)
Special Attack: 60 -> 80 (+20)
Special Defense: 80 -> 100 (+20)
Speed: 90 -> 100 (+10)

Why it Breaks the Metagame: I don't think I need to explain what makes Mega Kang so OP. This section should thus explain itself.
Let me try this out.
Mega Blissey
Type: Normal
Ability: Regenerator (restore 1/3 of HP upon switching out)

HP 255 -> 255
Attack 10 -> 10
Defense 10 -> 110 (+100)
Sp. Atk 75 -> 105 (+30)
Sp. Def 135 -> 105 (-30)
Speed 55
Overall 540 -> 640

Why it breaks the Metagame: This becomes a godly tank with a usable Special attack. Increasing the defense makes its only weakness unable to do as much to it, even an adamant fully invested Mega Lucario cannot one-shot it with a close combat when it has 252 in HP or Defense. Give it safe guard or refresh to protect against that toxic damage. With the usable Sp. attack, you do not have to worry as much about getting taunted. It can keep the classic toxic stall routine while packing a punch as well. Its movepool has type coverage with great moves in Fire, Fairy, Ice, Electric, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, and Normal! If you get screens set up on the field (by a team member), only crits can touch you! You can use a defense curl + calm mind too. Fighting types are still a threat, but if this is sent in when the opponent doesnt have Pokemon with fighting stab, it can destroy.
I'm going to try my best :P

Mega Crobat
Type: Poison/Flying
Ability: Protean (Changes the Pokémon's type to the type of the move it's using)

Base stats
HP: 85 -> 85
ATK: 90 -> 120 (+30)
DEF: 80 -> 85 (+5)
SpATK: 70 -> 130 (+60)
SpDEF: 80 -> 85 (+5)
SPE: 130 - 130

Total: 535 - 635

Why it Breaks the Metagame: Crobat's incredible speed is now blessed with a new ability, Protean, that comes from its Mega evolution. Mega Crobat gets a huge SpAtk boost and a decent Atk boost aswell, while increasing a bit its overall bulk too. This pokemon does get access to great and powerful STAB moves such as Brave Bird, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Steel Wing, X Scissor, Giga Drain, Dark Pulse and Zen Headbutt (@edit: and Heat Wave too, oh my god). Having one of the most unpredictable movepools and being one of the fastest pokemons aswell and being able to hit hard with nearly half of the current types in the game too, make Mega Crobat one of the scariest mega evolutions in the game.
[[[[[[[: Friends

Mega Conkeldurr (This man is juggling boulders)
Type: Fighting
Ability: Guts (Ahh, yes, can you feel the burn?)
HP: 105
ATK: 140 -> 185
DEF: 95 -> 120
SPA: 55 -> 10 (Making M-Beedrill look alright after all)
SPD: 65 -> 150
SPE: 45 -> 5 (Gettin' on that Shuckle level)

I took the SPA and SPE down because Conkeldurr doesn't need it - there seriously is no reason to outspeed anything in the metagame. To keep it realistic, I just took the SPE and SPA from Shuckle. To make it even more realistic, I borrowed M-Heracross's ATK. The DEF and SPD were just divvied up so I could survive ridiculous stuff with a max HP investment like Choice Specs Hyper Voice Sylveon, Choice Band Brave Bird Talonflame, Play Rough Azumarill, and other things I totally shouldn't live. I wanted to keep Guts simply because it's such a good ability to have on Conkeldurr and I didn't want to run anything just because of the risk of getting burned on some occasion. Plus, if I was playing doubles, I could even burn my own Conkeldurr. The reason why I don't care about outspeeding things is because Drain Punch does ridiculous amounts of damage to everything. With that and my bulk, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get any damage I take back in recovery (unless it's something like a Choice Specs Sylveon of course). Conkeldurr's movepool is so amazing that there really isn't anything that I fear. With choices of Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Poison Jab, and even Stone Edge/Rock Slide, there isn't really anything that Conkeldurr can't hit.

It doesn't care about T-wave Thundurus. If Whimsicott cares to encore me, I guess I'm just going to keep KOing everything. Landorus faints to an Ice Punch. M-Kangaskhan is OHKO'd to a ridiculous degree. Not to mention, because Drain Punch is a OHKO on M-Kang, I get something like 50% HP back. Thanks to my ridiculous ATK, I could take away a lot of EVs in DEF or even dump it all into ATK so I can do healthy chunks of damage to things that resist me.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
let me try

Mega Magikarp
Att: 24 to 400000000000000000000000000000000000
Def: 50 to 66666666647885865081
sp att: 21 to 21212121212121212121212121211212121212121221211221212121212121212121
Sp Def: 23: unlimited
Spd: 12345678900987654321
Nature: Swaggy
Ability: Chic Magnet (all dem chics come in and heal him to over his max hp and also sharply raises attack and defense stats
Type: Water/ Fire
Moves: Splash Splash Splash and Splash

why it breaks the metagame: its the most op noob in video game history and its coverd in swaggy grilled fish

note: im not trying to win its just for fun
So I see everyone decided to post here while I was asleep. kappa But seriously, these all look really good so far, guys! (that magikarp tho kappa ) Thanks for all the input so far! :D I can already tell that picking winners is going to be tough, and this isn't even over yet!
(Feb 15, 2015, 10:54 AM)PKPatriot56 Wrote: So I see everyone decided to post here while I was asleep. kappa But seriously, these all look really good so far, guys! (that magikarp tho kappa ) Thanks for all the input so far! :D I can already tell that picking winners is going to be tough, and this isn't even over yet!

magikarp is to op for the metagame
Dawn of the Final Day
10 Hours remain.

Still time to get in those entries, everyone! :D

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