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So I've legit hatched 426 eggs trying to get a moody smeargle but none have been either an own tempo or technician. If my smeargle I'm breeding is a technician can it go tothe moodyssey ability? Also if anyone wants a smeagle I have plenty lol.
To breed a Pokemon with a hidden ability, the parent matching the child must have the hidden ability. For example, you must breed a moody Smeargle to hatch a moody Smeargle.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
i would love to get a smeargle for my dex Smile
Okay thank you and I'm sorry I don't get on much but send me you fc and ign and I'll see what time best matches you tomorrow.
But if I get own tempo and technician and one is technician the other is ditto? How dI'd I get the own tempo?
@Hippityhoopa The reason your hatched Smeargle got the ability Own Tempo while the parent Smeargle's ability was Technician, is that Smeargle has two non-hidden abilities, Own Tempo and Technician. So Smeargle can have either of these abilities, even if the parent didn't have one of them.
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Ohhh okay I think I get it. Thank you.!

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