Nov 15, 2014, 08:34 AM
Hello people, I am TheEmpoleonMaster you can call me Empo. I love breeding and can get soo many good pokemon from it. I also like helping people in that filling out the pokedex. I have set up rules though they are pretty simple you can find them here (this is just for breeding). For dex filling I will send you the pokemon then you trade back that pokemon and I will trade you back another pokemon that you need. On the rules page you can find other pokemon that I have breed before. Note that I may have more than one request and that I am working as best as I can to get all of them done. I also don't get time to breed during the week because of school. Lastly Please NO shiny or Hidden Power request I can breed for both of those, Egg moves, hidden abilities, natures, and 5ivs I can do. Thanks and make sure to tell others about this.