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Breeding Help
So my Goal is too have a Dratini with a adamant nature with the Marvel Scale ability.
I have a Adamant Dragon air with Shed skin and plenty of other Dragonair's with other natures with Marvel Scale. 
So what are my chances of breeding the Dratini I want?
A few tips
the parent holding a everstone will pass down nature 
you have a 75% chance of passing down ability 

but if your breeding with IV'S as well switch in one that has higher IV'S so use a destiny knot
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
Basically just breed your Adamant Dratini holding an everstone with a Marvel Scale Dratini of the opposite gender and you're golden. Though the child has a chance to have the ability you don't want, just keep trying.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

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