Looking for what the title says i prefer if it is missing an iv that it would be special attack.
Here what i have to offer to trade
Mareanie- Impish 5/6 IV (Regenerator)
Drampa- Modest 5/6 IV (Sap Sipper and Berserk )
Cubone- Adamant 5/6 IV -(Rockhead)
Sandshrew-Adamant 5/6 IV –(SlushRush)
Lapras- Modest 5/6 IV (Water Absorb) Egg Moves- Freeze Dry,and Dragon Pulse
Wimpod-Adamant 5/6 IV (Wimp Out) Egg Moves- Spikes, Wide Guard, Aqua Jet
Here what i have to offer to trade
Mareanie- Impish 5/6 IV (Regenerator)
Drampa- Modest 5/6 IV (Sap Sipper and Berserk )
Cubone- Adamant 5/6 IV -(Rockhead)
Sandshrew-Adamant 5/6 IV –(SlushRush)
Lapras- Modest 5/6 IV (Water Absorb) Egg Moves- Freeze Dry,and Dragon Pulse
Wimpod-Adamant 5/6 IV (Wimp Out) Egg Moves- Spikes, Wide Guard, Aqua Jet