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[CLOSED] [NONE LEFT] 30 BR Shiny Event Tapu Koko Giveway!
Nintendo Network ID:Mike
Friend Code:452819885374
@snder82 head into festival plaza and I'll send a request
Nintendo Network ID:atonementedge
Friend Code:1822 4460 8410
IGN: atonement

I will be availible to trade later today.
(Mar 17, 2017, 10:20 AM)stephenWITNESS Wrote: @snder82 head into festival plaza and I'll send a request

going now, ty
@atonementblade that's grand! Just message me when you can trade Smile
@snder82 Enjoy

Name of Mii attached to your Nintendo Network ID: Eugenio
Friend Code: 0619-8138-6322
IGN: Enrique
Name of Mii attached to your Nintendo Network ID: Steve
Friend Code: 4854-6859-9114
IGN: Steve 
Network ID: scarbar11
Could both of you head to festival and I'll send the trade requests once I add your fcs Smile
@stephenWITNESS, I'll be waiting. :D

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