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[CLOSED] Need version exclusive UBs and Solgaleo
To complete my pokedex I need the version exclusive Ultra Beasts (Buzzwole and Kartana) and Solgaleo.
I have a level 52 Cosmoem that is holding a rare candy to be turned into the Solgaleo but the UBs can just be traded back and forth since I'm not really planing on using them for anything else but the dex.

I can give you 5 IV modest Eevee with either Anticipation or Adaptibility or 5IV Impish Mereanie with Regenerator.

My FC for Moon is 1779-4550-4209 and name Aqwell.

Thanks in advance!
I believe I have all three of those. I can help you with that if you want? c:

I don't need the Eevee or Mareanie. I just knowing completing the dex can be such a hassle.~
That would be nice : )
Is your FC on your info and can you trade now?
Yeup to both! :D 
I just added you so I'll be waiting in the plaza. Just send a request.~

Okay so I kind of forgot that I can't just leave the Pokemon League. (Sort of power leveling a pokemon)
Can I just have you borrow my Solgaleo? xD;
I can wait until you have finished
Alrighty! I just have to defeat the bird lady and defend my title. Shouldn't take too long.~
I have two boxes of things to wonder trade x)
Whoa okay. xD I'm almost done defeating Plumeria... Plumerina. Plumplum... I'm almost done. xD;
Thank you!
Now I can finaly get the shiny charm!

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