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Thanks for the giveaway!
@CellyBean thank you!!! Giving rep to you! ^^


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FC - 0662 - 3963 - 0647

ah im so sorry but i dont think i have any left over to give out. all the ones i have left have been reserved
(Feb 1, 2017, 05:30 AM)CellyBean Wrote: @LunaticDaringDo

ah im so sorry but i dont think i have any left over to give out. all the ones i have left have been reserved

Nah, It's okay! At least you made people happy, I have like some shiny legendaries. So I'm good.

Hi Im available to trade 24 hours after you posted the OP. So tomorrow!

Ah your ban has been lifted, nice  Smile

Did I manage to be one of the people that got one reserved?

yup you were! when are you available to trade?

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