Poll: Do you like this giveaway?
This poll is closed.
Ye boi
34 97.14%
Nah fam
1 2.86%
Total 35 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[CLOSED] The ULTIMATE Hunting Partner
Pokemon deposited: Rufflet
Level: 11
Gender: Male
IGN (in-game name): Crab
GTS message: Beast
@ckchia sent <3
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Pokemon Deposited: Xatu
Level: 36
Gender: Female
IGN: Mac
GTS Message: wunder
Pokemon deposited: Sableye
Level: 1
Gender: Female 
IGN (in-game name):  PokeMaster
GTS message: wunder
pokemon deposited bergmite
level 40
gender male
IGN mees
Gts msg wunder
thanks alot bro
(Sep 30, 2016, 04:28 PM)wundrweapon Wrote:
4) Do not, and I repeat DO NOT make a request outside of the 23:30- 03:30 UTC time range. If your time zone is not UTC and you wish to know whether or not your local time is within that range, then either use Google or this website to do the conversion. If your post lies outside that range (don't worry too much over a few minutes, by the way), then I will ignore it entirely

You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Pokemon deposited: trubish
Level: 1
Gender: female 
IGN (in-game name): Kyiu 
GTS message: PKMN4EVER

thanku ><!
@shinybluebird as stated in rule 4, please wait until 23:30 UTC to deposit your Pokemon, as I will not be taking tonight's requests until then
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Pokemon deposited: Aron
Level: 1
Gender: Female
IGN Aksel
GTS message: Awsome dude
@Shiny_Hunter96 as stated in rule 4, please wait until 23:30 UTC to deposit your Pokemon, as I will not be taking tonight's requests until then
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to

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