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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #13: Silent Night, Deadly Night (Christmas edition)
(Dec 19, 2016, 12:28 PM)Vinnie Wrote: @zeiny999 Enjoy!
@Silver_light Enjoy!
@freshikki Can't find it. Please deposit a different pokemon Wink
@"MissCandy1994" Welcome to the forum, enjoy!
@Roican Sniped?
@GSerra Still can't find it Sad
@pkenewb Enjoy!
@CBest95 Enjoy!
@wapuurin Sniped?
I got sniped for the second time omg...
Pokemon requested:Litten 
Shiny (yes or no):yes 
Pokemon Deposited:Golisopod 

Pokemon requested: Litten
Shiny (yes or no):yes
Pokemon Deposited : Drampa
Gender: Male
Level: 44
IGN: Roican
Hi again, now I'm requesting the Lil' Helper
Shiny (yes or no): of course, a normal one wouldn't be Lil'Helper  Angry
Pokemon Deposited:Jangmo-o
Gender: female
Level: 1
IGN: Ricaldo
(Dec 19, 2016, 05:36 AM)Vinnie Wrote: @CBest95 Can't find it Sad
@Haruna Found it now, enjoy!
@XxArcequazaxX Can't find it
@AllTradeAndeBattle65 Enjoy!
@R2LSD2 Enjoy!
@al19 Enjoy!
@Testmeister Enjoy!
@tikrit Enjoy!
@Mertzstache I think its a bug in the GTS, it happens to more people. Couldn't find it again
@Berserk13 Can't find it Sad
@EAP Can't find it
@Proleaguedude Sniped?
@zeiny999 Can't find it
@wapuurin Enjoy!
@Suushi Enjoy!
@pokenewb Sniped?
@Doombringr Yep! Enjoy!
@hiyeahi Sniped?
@elicplayz Enjoy!
@GSerra Enjoy!
@carlocruzd14 Enjoy!
@jadenzambon Enjoy!
@nun112537 Enjoy!
@GhostInTheshadows45 Sniped?

I noticed it is mostly the Dhelmises that don't show up, so changed it to a Ledian.

Ok, I will deposit a Jangmo-o then, 

Pokemon Requested: Gengar
Shiny: Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Jangmo-o
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: Éric
Pokemon requested: Litten
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Ledian
Gender: Male
Level: 43
IGN: Anel
Pokemon requested: Gengar
Shiny yes
Pokemon Deposited: jangmo-o

Thank you
Third times the charm :P
Pokemon requested: Litten
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Dhelmise
Gender: Dhelmise is genderless
Level: 21
IGN: Alex

Thanks!  Heart
Pokemon requested: Litten
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: jangmo-o
Gender: Male
Level: 43
IGN: Shadow

okay than attempt number three :P ,
Pokemon requested: gengar
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: jangmo-o
Gender: female
Level: 1
Pokemon requested: Gengar
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Drampa
Gender: female
Level: 45
IGN: Patrick

I re-uploaded it onto the GTS. Hopefully you'll see it this time
Pokemon requested:litten
Shiny (yes or no):Yes
Pokemon Deposited:Jangmo-o

Thanks in advance

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