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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #13: Silent Night, Deadly Night (Christmas edition)
Pokemon requested: Gengar
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Ledian
Gender: male
Level: 19
IGN: Kyiu

sorry, I accidently put the wrong level of the Ledian :p
re-posting request :D
And thank you for the giveaway!
Well hello, and merry xmas to all. Good tidings and cheer and all that stuff.

Thank you Vinnie!

I would love a ghoulish shiny gengar. 
And a Litten too if thats acceptable, (any chance he could be non nicknamed please) if asking for both is too greedy, then just the gengar please. 

Requested: Gengar
shiny: yes
message: i want to trade for a pokemon that will help with my adventure 
deposited: Golisopod
gender: f
level: 55
ign: Lo
(Dec 18, 2016, 09:49 AM)Vinnie Wrote:

Pokemon requested: Gengar
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Sudowoodo.
Gender: Female.
Level: 17
IGN: Omradem.

message: i want to trade for a pokemon that will help with my adventure.
It´s so nice to meet you! :D
 Just give yourself to love! Love love love love--NO!
@xyzyx101 Enjoy!
@"GlubWorld" Sniped?
@donatelo Sniped?
@stevebs11 Sniped?
@Inoname Enjoy!
@EAP Sniped?
@G1LBS Enjoy!
@Amigento Enjoy!
@mees Can't find it
@vholiveira Enjoy!
@Gvng Sure got ahead haha
@mees Try depositing a different pokemon, doesnt matter what
@Sean can't find it
@eiboinix Enjoy!
@Vinnie so im trying once again but with one of the multitude of level 31+ Littens i got thanks to getting snipped lol 

Pokemon requested: Litten
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Litten
Gender: Male
Level: 31
IGN: Gvng

Thanks again and hopefully i dont get snipped its getting crazy lol
@Vinnie Lord Arceus please allow me to get this Litten lol ive tried hard enough xD
Pokemon requested: Gengar
Shiny: Yes
Pokemon deposited: Jangmo-o
gender: Girl
level: 44
IGN: Carmen
Can i also get the gengar (just if its possible)

Pokemon requested: Gengar 
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Jangmo-o
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Amigento
I got sniped  Dodgy

So here we go again.

Pokemon requested: Litten 
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Ledian
Gender: Male
Level: 32
IGN: Eduardo
Hey Vinnie. Got Sniped I think. 


Requested: Gengar
Deposited: Golisopod 
level: 55
gender: f
message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure. 
Ign: Lo

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