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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #3: Calm Mind Clefable
Pokemon Deposited: Electabuzz
Gender: Male
Level: 39
IGN: Vika
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures
Pokemon Deposited: Gyarados
Gender: male
Level: 30
IGN: Candido
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures
Thanks  Heart
Hi @"Vinnie050"!
I would like Clefable!
I don't know if you will accept this request, but I was unable to use my 3DS for a little while, are you able to give me Nidoqueen as well? (If you still have any.)

Anyway, I deposited this for Clefable:
Deposited: Horsea
Level of Deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Message: Vinnie Features
Shimono Hiro!

Pokemon Deposited:Rhyhorn
Level: 17
Gender: Female
IGN: Uameky
Message: VinnieFeatures
Pokemon Deposited: horsea
Gender: male
GTS Message: vinniefeatures
Pokemon Deposited: Rhyhorn
Gender: Male
Level: 17
IGN: Felipe
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures

thx, clefable is the only pokemon missing so i can complete the kanto region
Pokemon Deposited: Horsea
Gender: Female
IGN: Beny
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures
@Skottyf Enjoy!
@Calcuion Sniped?
@Hyker You're welcome! :D I made it a weekly thing. Every Sunday there will be a new one up.
@xyzyx101 Enjoy!
@Cayo fr Enjoy!
@Allegro Normally I wouldn't accept your request but because you ask so nicely, I will. (And I like your threads :D )
Just deposit again and I'll give you one. Think I got like 3 left.
@Uameky Enjoy!
@Bronson505 Enjoy!
@Ginatsu Enjoy!
@FusPanDah Enjoy!
sniped, redeposited

Pokemon Deposited: Gyrados
Gender: Female
IGN: Ciaran
GTS Message: VinnieFeatures
@Calcuion Sniped again?

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