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[CLOSED](>o.o)> ~ Vietflame's Pokegen Lab ~ <(o.o<)
(May 6, 2015, 07:06 AM)Jasiel Nabi Wrote: Soooo, is it possible to make more than one request? If so thank you so much!

Yep, as long as it is once a day Smile
Can i please get a

Pokemon : Venusaur
Nickname: Mercury
Pokeball: Pokeball
Ability: Chlorophyll
Gender: female
Shiny: yes
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, Speed 16
Nature: Bold
IVs: 31 everything
Moveset: Substitute, Giga drain, sleep powder, synthesis
Item: Venusaurite

Ign: longy
Deposited: Geodude
Level: 1
Gender: male
Message: Vietflame
Country: Australia

The request is done! (megastones can't go through GTS, Sorry!)
(May 6, 2015, 07:43 AM)Vietflame Wrote: The request is done! (megastones can't go through GTS, Sorry!)
Thank you so much vietflame.
(May 6, 2015, 08:12 AM)flameboy Wrote:
(May 6, 2015, 07:43 AM)Vietflame Wrote: The request is done! (megastones can't go through GTS, Sorry!)
Thank you so much vietflame.

np np Smile
Pokemon: Landorus
Nickname: Landorus
Ball Type: Pokeball
Shiny: No
Level: 50
Gender: Male
Ability: Sand Force
Nature: Adamant
OT: Nabi
IVs: 31 in everything
EVs: 156 HP, 116 ATK , 4 DEF, 4 SPDEF, 228 SPEED
Moves: Rockslide, Superpower, U-turn, Earthquake
Item: Choice Scarf

IGN: Nabi
FC: 4399-0839-3066

Thanks a lot again!! Very generous
Pokemon: Conkeldurr
Nickname: BroRoids
Ball Type: Any
Shiny: No
Level: 50/100 either works
Gender: any
Ability: Guts
Nature: Adamant
OT: Kenny
IVs: Perfect 31 all (HP Dark)
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 HP, 6 Defense
Moves: Knock Off, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Poison Jab
Item: Assault Vest

IGN: Kenny/Sackofdung I forgot -.-"
FC: 0232-8625-3311

PS. Thank you in advance Heart
No problem, and the request is done Smile

EDIT: I didn't see Landorus! Sorry! Making him right now!

EDIT: All is done now :D
Pokemon : Clefable
Nickname: FairyTail
Pokeball: Primer Ball
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Gender: Female
Shiny: Yes
Level: 100
EVs: 248 HP 252 Def 8 SpD
Nature: Bold
IVs: 31 everything
Moveset: Moonblast, Stealth Rock, Calm Mind, moonlight
Original Trainer (OT): Rando
Friend Code: 4356-1924-9997
In game Name: Rando
The request is done!

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