Poll: Should I keep it for the collection or Sell it for half the price I paid?
Sell It!
Might as well keep it
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[CONSOLE] Advanced Warefare
Was anybody else disappointed with this game? I recently bought a PS4 and bought this game at the same time, and I just cannot seem to wrap my head around everything going on in multiplayer. I guess I'm just no good at this type of game anymore. I'm thinking about selling it, but I'll probably only get around half of the $60 I paid for it. That being said I also don't know whether I should just keep it for the collection?
Any advice?
I was more impressed with this than the more recent COD games, tbh. I played Cod4/WaW/Mw2/BO pretty religiously back in the day, but ever since they've been pretty poor imo. But this was much better, I cant get into it as much as I used to but I'll play a few games every couple of days, its one of the better releases I think, but not something I'm able to play Smile
i've not touched cod in ages decided to skip this one as well when i saw the reviews
I feel that all CoDs are really starting to get old. Ghosts was by far one of the worst. Advanced Warfare at least has an okay campaign and added a little bit to the multiplayer but not nearly enough as they should. I mean compared to other CoDs, they have been developing this one for three years and it really doesn't show. Also their sales are going down so maybe this will give them the incentive to be more creative with the CoD franchise.
I still play MW3 a ton, but Ghosts was such a huge dissapointment, especially with such a lack of lobby customization in multiplayer.

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