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I'm currently working on completing my national dex, and the pokemons I mentioned above are the only two 'mythical' pokemons I still need.

If anyone could trade them back and forth with me, I'd greatly appreciate that!

Thanks in advance.
That'd be great! What would you like for it?
Trade me whenever Smile
Thanks a ton, now I just need mew.
I think I have a Mew if you still need it. I think it's level 5
That'd be great, trade me whenever!
Are you available now? If so, I'm ready. I've just added you.

Just so you know, I'll be trading from my Pokemon X cartridge, so my IGN will be Ash, not Eckley
Thanks, to the both of you! I'll close down the thread now.
No problem! Glad to help out

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