Lol picturing how frustrating it was getting all those icons to display correctly xD thanks for the honorable mention! I see so many people complain about their boxes being a a mess so I can totally see this helping people :D I've got a system where I sort them by use.
Like I've got Wonderbox 1-3 for wondertradables, HAbox 1-3, Asian mom and Asian dad boxes for foreign parents, AmericanDad(lol) and MomBox, BoxParty for my main guys, Collectable, Shiny Collectables, Tradables 1-3, SpareBox 1-3 at different points for free space and box 1-10 for Pokedex stuff ~
but in DPP and black and white I used a really similar system to yours :p
Like I've got Wonderbox 1-3 for wondertradables, HAbox 1-3, Asian mom and Asian dad boxes for foreign parents, AmericanDad(lol) and MomBox, BoxParty for my main guys, Collectable, Shiny Collectables, Tradables 1-3, SpareBox 1-3 at different points for free space and box 1-10 for Pokedex stuff ~
but in DPP and black and white I used a really similar system to yours :p