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[DISCUSSION] (AS PROMISED) Neglected but still Loved
As some new pokemon are comming to the scene, I figure its time to look back at some of the pokemon we love, but may or may not be good outside of a few things.  And so, my favorite one who sadly falls into this category is : Torracat

[Image: Screen_Shot_2017-10-05_at_7.57.35_PM.png]

As of about two months ago, I had decided to entirely redo my team that I had made for tiny tourny.  I wanted to go for something that would be able to deal with the same threats such as Kartana.  Although Kartana has good defense and bad special defense, I still decided to go with the physical option.  And I would like to say that I have loved the decision to this day.

Out of the three item choices for kartana, I had found ways to bypass them, such as using flame charge to boost speed past the choice scarf, flare blitz and a partner with sand stream to beat focus sash, and because it is physical, if doesn't get effected by assault vest varients.  This also allowed me to go through any super effective moves that he may be using, such as Sacred Sword which is only super effective against its evolution Incineroar.

I am currently in the process of breeding this fellow and making my dreams of my little Fire-Cat a reality.

I know that a lot of people find these kinds of pokemon and train them up like I am planing to, so feel free to share your own experiences below.

~ FireTaco

P.S. Yes this is a FireTaco talking about a FireCat
Poor Torracat Sad

I like Litten's line the most out of the Alola Starters for sure
Thanks for all the good times~

I think a mon I really love but have neglected to pamper is Aggron. Easily one of my favorite Gen 3 pokémon, I used it almost every playthrough. Unfortunately, like most of my favorite mons, Aggron is stuck in PU due to common weaknesses and mediocre Speed. I remember I used one on my team when I was a Dragon-Type gym leader for my campus league, he was invaluable for bringing down Fairies and Ice-Types. But other than that, I haven't looked at Aggron since I Shiny hunted it last year. Neglected, definitely still loved.

[Image: aggron.png]
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
Ok, well how 'bout this one? One of my favorite Pokemon is Stantler. I got a 5% Shiny Stantler in SoulSilver, and I adore it, just... It's terrible in competitive, I had one on a Rain Team with Sap Sipper a while back which was fun, but it ultimately just plain sucks. Not even my unconventional sets can help it. Here's that video Senpai, language warning, I got super excited.

Thanks for all the good times~

Yeah, I would have though that Aggron having both a mega evolution and a good move pool and base abilty in rock head, I thought it would be used more people would like using it


That is the most beautiful shiny, its awesome you got it on video.  And you got sap sipper which is the HA so that pretty cool.
For me it's Regigigas. One of my favourites but it seems no one likes it. When I got my first one back plat through trade and I leveled it up and have that same Regigigas until now. But I have yet to see someone that actually likes Regigigas. Neglected probaly because of slow start making him a bad competitive Pokémon 

If only he had huge power

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