I think @Kris may be right. Look at the boy's face: it has way, WAY more expression and characterization than random grunts. I can't really put HOW into words, but I've been watching Sugimori&co's art for YEARS, and it just looks... none-background-character-ish to me.
Are you suggesting that the female grunt is kris of crystal? (if she is that girl then maybe she is undercover and older?) Though it can also be some new charachter design
Or working with ''looker'' the officer of international police( Maybe the old games has hints about him)
@Drangor2 Yes. By going off her hair color / style, I've pointed out similarities between this 'Rainbow Rocket Grunt' and Kris. Her pose is similar to that of Kris's old concept art too. The boy has smaller, but noticeable similarities to Ethan, the biggest being his pose. At first I thought it was a reference since Pokemon Crystal is likely to release on November 2 - 21 (based on Crystal's European sales). But then @wartty pointed out that the Download cards are heavily implying these 'Rainbow Rocket Grunts' to be version exclusive, which makes no sense if they're just Grunts. @Chansey just also pointed out that the facial expressions for the Grunts are too complex for background characters. It's highly likely I'm wrong, but there's a lot of evidence supporting it. If they end up being Kris and Ethan, my theory is they're corrupt versions of the original characters, made to work for Giovanni. But them being undercover agents, hell, even Fallers, would be awesome too. And a reference to HgSs where you work undercover as a Team Rocket Grunt in Goldenrod.
@Kris I'm gonna wait until we know who's in which version to buy, I think. Ideally there's one with Archie, Giovanni, and Kris (my faves.) I don't care much for emo-Lysandre and that weird dude with no brows.