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[DISCUSSION] That Awkward Moment When...
When you try to breed a pokemon for the HA... and figure you are so unlucky to not get it in 31 eggs and then look it up online to see the HA for first form is different than the fully formed poke you are using for breeding...

Yeah, Tepig, wanted final form HA Reckless....Tepig's HA is Thick Fat *LOL*

Do you have Dittos?, If you gimme a sec I can breed an Adamant HA Tepig - it'l likely be male depending on urgency hence having a ditto. Cheers
(Jun 9, 2016, 09:33 PM)Jok3r Wrote: @Saiman

Do you have Dittos?, If you gimme a sec I can breed an Adamant HA Tepig - it'l likely be male depending on urgency hence having a ditto. Cheers
Hey @Jok3r yeah, i have dittos just about caught one with every nature.

Getting it ready for you now.

Deposited:Magikarp (specify level - Gender)
Requested: Lv.1 Adamant Tepig HA (N/A)
Message: (Pick a Noticeable one)

FC is full at the moment, if unable to transfer i'll then
delete a few. thank
(Jun 9, 2016, 09:40 PM)Jok3r Wrote: @Saiman

Getting it ready for you now.

Deposited:Magikarp (specify level - Gender)
Requested: Lv.1 Adamant Tepig HA (N/A)
Message: (Pick a Noticeable one)

FC is full at the moment, if unable to transfer i'll then
delete a few 
L1 Female Magikarp, named Zapdos (got it today in WT).

I Just realized this was a discussion thread :P, Although Iv'e bred a HA Tepig if you would like just hit me back if not no worries Smile

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