Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and today I'm apparently going to brag about how great of a trainer I am...
So Pokémon is no stranger to having difficult battles. When Sun and Moon first came out, veteran players were pleasantly surprised by the difficulty spike, myself included. It was like the Pokémon Company finally decided to cater to the older audience that makes up a fair chunk of the fanbase. I know I personally had some difficulty with Mallow's trial, but only because Fire-Types were a little scarce at that point in the game. Unless you chose Litten. But I want to go over some of the older, more infamous pokémon battles with which you probably had trouble...or so you though. Sometimes rumors circulate on the playground, or in class, that a battle is really hard. You need to over-level! You need 50 revives! You need this move to even have a chance! Yeah, no. Sometimes our mind is our worst enemy, and when you actually get into the fight, it's not nearly as hard as you imagined. Here are five of the easiest hard battles that I've had in my pokémon history.
So Pokémon is no stranger to having difficult battles. When Sun and Moon first came out, veteran players were pleasantly surprised by the difficulty spike, myself included. It was like the Pokémon Company finally decided to cater to the older audience that makes up a fair chunk of the fanbase. I know I personally had some difficulty with Mallow's trial, but only because Fire-Types were a little scarce at that point in the game. Unless you chose Litten. But I want to go over some of the older, more infamous pokémon battles with which you probably had trouble...or so you though. Sometimes rumors circulate on the playground, or in class, that a battle is really hard. You need to over-level! You need 50 revives! You need this move to even have a chance! Yeah, no. Sometimes our mind is our worst enemy, and when you actually get into the fight, it's not nearly as hard as you imagined. Here are five of the easiest hard battles that I've had in my pokémon history.
The 5 Easiest Hard Battles in Pokémon! - with 0kamii
1) Ghetsis (Black 2/White 2)
![[Image: c22282f7d8694e49e20e5de9cebf72dffbae903a_hq.gif]](http://pa1.narvii.com/6271/c22282f7d8694e49e20e5de9cebf72dffbae903a_hq.gif)
![[Image: icon-hydreigon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/H/icon-hydreigon.png)
![[Image: c22282f7d8694e49e20e5de9cebf72dffbae903a_hq.gif]](http://pa1.narvii.com/6271/c22282f7d8694e49e20e5de9cebf72dffbae903a_hq.gif)
![[Image: icon-cofagrigus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/C/icon-cofagrigus.png)
![[Image: icon-seismitoad.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/S/icon-seismitoad.png)
![[Image: icon-eelektross.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/E/icon-eelektross.png)
![[Image: icon-drapion.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/D/icon-drapion.png)
![[Image: icon-toxicroak.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/T/icon-toxicroak.png)
![[Image: icon-hydreigon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/H/icon-hydreigon.png)
Ghetsis was one of those bosses that tried to sucker punch us at the end of Black and White. For the most part, he succeeded. That's why Ghetsis from Black and White isn't on this list. In the sequel however, we all saw the battle with Ghetsis coming. And while some people still weren't prepared for the onslaught that he brought, I didn't have too much of a problem with him. I wasn't even over-leveled either. I had my trusty Excadrill use Swords Dance turn one, and then I swept him with relative ease. The only member of his team that gave me any trouble was Seismitoad which was a hard counter to my Excadrill. Luckily, my Emboar knew Solar Beam. So the little difficulty Seismitoad posed didn't last. It was very refreshing to have Pokémon try and throw another challenge at you, but Ghetsis was so easy to prepare for that the ultimate confrontation was underwhelming at best. At least for me.
2) Whitney (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
![[Image: tumblr_n0ghjj0xFz1t746i1o1_500.gif]](https://68.media.tumblr.com/1c998b0b441ab56f221525664b97abf4/tumblr_n0ghjj0xFz1t746i1o1_500.gif)
![[Image: icon-miltank.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/M/icon-miltank.png)
![[Image: tumblr_n0ghjj0xFz1t746i1o1_500.gif]](https://68.media.tumblr.com/1c998b0b441ab56f221525664b97abf4/tumblr_n0ghjj0xFz1t746i1o1_500.gif)
![[Image: icon-clefairy.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/C/icon-clefairy.png)
![[Image: icon-miltank.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/M/icon-miltank.png)
I heard plenty of rumors from the days of the original Gold and Silver when Whitney and her Miltank were considered demons in pixilated form. The amount of stories I heard about Whitney and that Miltank steamrolling people on their second, even their third go really made me nervous when I finally picked up my copy of SoulSilver. Of course, my fears were a lot worse than the actually fight. Yes, I know that Miltank is sporting Milk Drink, Rollout, Stomp, and Attract, but I had a female Bayleef during that playthrough with Reflect, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, and Poison Powder. I literally stalled Whitney out with poison damage, after Miltank's Lum Berry healed it the first time. Not to mention Razor Leaf had a high critical-hit ratio, so Miltank's defeat was only a matter of time. My friend, my cousin too, who played HeartGold along with me was stuck at the Goldenrod City gym for days trying to grind enough experience to beat her. But for me, I guess I just missed the beating. Narrowly, but I missed it nonetheless.
3) Venus (Pokémon Colosseum)
![[Image: Cipher_Admin_Venus.png]](https://i2.wp.com/img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141122002431/pokemon/images/7/7b/Cipher_Admin_Venus.png)
![[Image: icon-suicune.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/S/icon-suicune.png)
![[Image: Cipher_Admin_Venus.png]](https://i2.wp.com/img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141122002431/pokemon/images/7/7b/Cipher_Admin_Venus.png)
![[Image: icon-delcatty.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/D/icon-delcatty.png)
![[Image: icon-steelix.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/S/icon-steelix.png)
![[Image: icon-banette.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/B/icon-banette.png)
![[Image: icon-vileplume.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/V/icon-vileplume.png)
![[Image: icon-suicune.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/S/icon-suicune.png)
There aren't many people I've met that have played the console Pokémon titles Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness. If you have though, then you'll know how challenging these games can be. The final boss of Colosseum was using competitive level strategies, and the level jump was crazy. You go in five levels over, you leave 15 levels under...ugh. But Venus was a special case. These five battles are in no particular order, and I will be the first to admit that the level jump between the previous Cipher Admin and Venus did result in my defeat. However, the reason she's listed here is because she's actually very predictable once you know the battle. She'll try and use Attract on all your pokémon, and half her team is weak to Fire-Types. So with a little gender diversity on your team, you can easily get her Shadow Suicune alone and snag it with about as much ease as you can get with a Legendary Beast. Her fight is hard, but only if you're not prepared.
4) Drayden (Black 2/White 2)
![[Image: 86.gif~c200]](http://rs1257.pbsrc.com/albums/ii505/AuroraRsin/Pokemon/Trainer/BW%20Front%20Pose/86.gif~c200)
![[Image: icon-haxorus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/H/icon-haxorus.png)
![[Image: 86.gif~c200]](http://rs1257.pbsrc.com/albums/ii505/AuroraRsin/Pokemon/Trainer/BW%20Front%20Pose/86.gif~c200)
![[Image: icon-druddigon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/D/icon-druddigon.png)
![[Image: icon-flygon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/F/icon-flygon.png)
![[Image: icon-haxorus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/H/icon-haxorus.png)
It pains me to put the coolest Unova gym leader on this list, but I call 'em like I see 'em. In the originl Black and White, Drayden was hard. If you played White, you had Iris as a gym leader, which was easy. Drayden, however, was a beast. Dragon Dance and Dragon Tail disrupted any strategy you might've had, and ruined any and all setup you tried against him. In the sequels however, Drayden seemed to have been nerfed. Maybe they realized he was hard and dumbed his fight down because the plot picks up after you beat him? Either way, his fight on Easy/Normal Mode was too easy for my taste. Especially as a self-proclaimed Dragon Master. You can easily sweep him with your own Haxorus, which I did, and you don't even have to be over-leveled to do it. Oh, Drayden. You're still my favorite Dragon-Type gym leader, and you're quite challenging in the PWT, but your gym battle was too easy for me. At least your gym has awesome music.
1) Cynthia (Diamond/Pearl)
![[Image: cynthia.gif~c200]](http://rs950.pbsrc.com/albums/ad342/xXMadara-BaneXx/Xat%20Pawns/cynthia.gif~c200)
![[Image: icon-garchomp.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/G/icon-garchomp.png)
![[Image: cynthia.gif~c200]](http://rs950.pbsrc.com/albums/ad342/xXMadara-BaneXx/Xat%20Pawns/cynthia.gif~c200)
![[Image: icon-spiritomb.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/S/icon-spiritomb.png)
![[Image: icon-roserade.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/R/icon-roserade.png)
![[Image: icon-gastrodon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/G/icon-gastrodon.png)
![[Image: icon-lucario.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/L/icon-lucario.png)
![[Image: icon-milotic.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/M/icon-milotic.png)
![[Image: icon-garchomp.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/icons/G/icon-garchomp.png)
I'm going to keep this VERY brief. I know there's probably a lot of you screaming at me right now, but I have to be honest. For some reason, despite Cynthia's reputation as the hardest Champion, I never had trouble with her battle. I wasn't very active on the internet at the time, and I had no idea that the community struggled with her so much. I wasn't over-leveled, I didn't spam Revives, I didn't even sweep using X items. I honestly just...battled normally and won on the first try. I didn't find out until years later that she was considered the hardest, and to this day, I don't know why I did so well. Maybe because my Empoleon knew Ice Beam...?
Well, that's all for today's post. I would love to know what some of your easiest hard battles in Pokémon were. Remember, these five aren't in any particular order, I just saved Cynthia for the end because I figured she'd be the most shocking. As always, I have a few users I want to ask. Let's ask @wartty, @iimlF4nT4Sy, @rayqon, and @RetroTyphlosion.
What battles did you think were going to be hard, but were actually pretty easy for you?
See you all on Monday with another new post. Thanks for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
Well, that's all for today's post. I would love to know what some of your easiest hard battles in Pokémon were. Remember, these five aren't in any particular order, I just saved Cynthia for the end because I figured she'd be the most shocking. As always, I have a few users I want to ask. Let's ask @wartty, @iimlF4nT4Sy, @rayqon, and @RetroTyphlosion.
What battles did you think were going to be hard, but were actually pretty easy for you?
See you all on Monday with another new post. Thanks for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder