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[DISCUSSION] The Coolest Unmade Fossil Pokémon! - with 0kamii
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Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and I noticed that the forums looked a little calcified today, so I'm here to try and terraform the mood!

I haven't made a post talking about Fossil Pokémon since last May when I explained why Rampardos is my favorite Fossil Pokémon. This opinion still holds true, and if you'd care to give it a read, you can find the link here. In the meantime however, since the site seems unusually fossilized today, I thought it'd be fun to try and get the conversation rolling regarding some of the coolest prehistoric creatures that have yet to be turned into Fossil Pokémon! Now obviously, everything posted here is purely my opinion, and if you have a creature that you think is just as, if not more, worthy of being made into a Fossil Pokémon, let me know in the thread below. For now, allow me to acquaint you with my two nominees for some of coolest unmade Fossil Pokémon!
1) Desmatosuchus
[Image: desmatosuchus_by_kahless28.jpg]
This late Triassic crocodilian holds the distinction of being the only known reptilian member of the Archosaur clade that consumed plants and other vegetation as opposed to meat. Size-wise it was about 4m from head to tail (~12ft) and about 1m at the shoulder (~3ft). Another thing that really makes this guy stand out are those imposing spikes jutting from its shoulders. Fossil record have shown that the anterior spikes were always shorter than the rest, which could indicate dimorphism. This in turn could make this guy the first Fossil Pokémon to have gender differences. Not only that, but because it lived by waterways, I also think that Swift Swim would be an apt ability for it to have. In regards to type, I think Rock/Grass would be fitting, and I like the idea of calling it Desmarbor (Desma- + arbor "Latin for 'tree'"). Put most of its stats into Attack, Speed, and bit in Defense you have a fairly reliable attacker, especially under rain.
2) Sharovipteryx
[Image: galleryimage-2121768953-apr-25-2014-1-600x400.jpg]
My second nominee is a fairly unknown lizard, which also happens to be from the Late Triassic. Obviously, this guy sticks out for one very specific reason. It's the only gliding lizard in scientific record to have skin stretched over its back legs as opposed to the front. This in turn made gliding quite difficult, so I think it's clear why this trait never survived. It would still make for an excpetionally cool looking Fossil Pokémon. The only downside is that it'd have to be Flying/Rock, leaving it weak to Stealth Rocks. Aerodactyl and Archeops already suffer in usage thanks to this handicap, so I imagine that to make this little guy useful, it'd have to be designed for support in Double battles (much like Se-Jun Park's Pachirisu). Give it lots of Speed, ideally 130 base, and put the rest into HP, Defense, and Sp. Defense with mediocre attacking stats and load its movepool with things like Tailwind, Fake Out, Helping Hand, Accelrock, Wide Guard, Taunt, Stealth Rocks, Encore, and maybe even Speed Swap. When it comes to names, @The_Flaine proposed Sharowing, and I think that's really good! But I don't know what ability to give it. Sturdy seems like a logical choice, though I'd personally love to see it get Sand Stream. That +50% to its Sp. Defense could really up its viability.

Those are my candidates for two of the coolest potential Fossil Pokémon for any future Pokémon games. I was quite saddened to see that Gen 7 didn't introduce any new ones, but maybe we'll have some more once the Switch titles are announced? In the meantime, I have to go prep for Blue in Super Doubles, as well as that psychology post I promised! Be on the lookout for those within this week or the next.

Thanks so much for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
All right I'm getting in on this.


Don't let the name fool you, Serendipaceratops is not actually a ceratopsian, but rather an ornithischian dinosaur from the late Cretaceous Period in Australia. Initially Serendipaceratops was not considered to be a ceratopsian dinosaur due to a ceratopsian fossil being the last you'd expect to see in Australia, and was at first believed to be a theropod. Serendipaceratops Arthurclarkei is the full name given to it by the people who discovered it, Tom Rich and his wife, after the famous author Arthur C. Clarke. Interestingly Serendipaceratops is only known by a single left ulna fossil.
For it's typing I'd like it to be a Rock and Psychic type with moves like Cosmic Power, Moonlight and Calm Mind as a reference to Arthur C. Clarke's written works like 2001: A Space Odyssey.   Ability would be Clear Body.
Thanks for all the good times~

That sounds like a really cool Fossil Pokémon. I think the only gripe I have with it is that Rock/Psychic gives it seven weaknesses! Seven! That could be the most in the entire game.

It's a really cool idea, but I'm concerned that that many weaknesses would make it nigh unusable in any sort of play outside PU.

The idea of a psychokinetic dinosaur is still really cool though. While I'm not familiar with this Serendipaceratops, I think it's an interesting pick.

Good job, Kris!

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@0kamii Yeah, I'm thinking possibly Rock / Ghost may work better, but I'm not too sure.

Also I forgot to add this before but let's get a Rock / Dark Baryonyx Pokemon already
Thanks for all the good times~

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