Nov 6, 2017, 05:09 PM
Grow EV Berries for friendship evolutions. Catch a Pikipek & evolve it to Toucannon, but that Toucannon on the GTS asking for Popplio, while you're waiting go to any early route and catch & evolve a Caterpie. Misdreavus and Drifloon can both be caught at Hau'oli Cemetery, while Murkrow can be found at Ancient Poni Path, but go to the Power Plant and catch a Charjabug first. Level up & evolve Drifloon & Charjabug while you look for Murkrow. Next, go to the route you first get Vulpix on and look for Snorunt there. Catch two of them, one for each evo. Go to Paniola Ranch and catch Tauros, Miltank & Lillipup. Then go get an Eevee and breed one for each Eeveelution. Hatch those eggs in Lush Jungle while simultaneously looking for Scythr, Pinsir, Passimian, Paras {DAY}, Morelull {NITE}, Bounsweet and Comfey. Level up the first Eevee in Lush jungle to evolve it to Leafeon. Hatch another Eevee and take it, and all your Lush Jungle captures to Mt Lanakila. Go into the Icy cave and evolve everything in there, this will evolve Eevee to Glaceon. You can catch Sneasel in here too. Check the GTS and get Popplio, check Poke Pelago and collect the Berries and use them on two Eevees, evolve them to Umbreon and Espeon.