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[FOR TRADE] Shiny Trade Shop! (S&M ONLY)
@PrincessBri , do you want any nickname for your Popplio
Hey, do you still have the Shiny Victini. I saw earlier in the thread that you were looking for a Shiny Breloom and was wondering if you'd make that trade.
Would you trade the Genesect for a BR shiny Ramparados and a shiny Wingull ?

Also, is it legit?
I'm back again.
Shiny Espeon 
Shiny Kyogre 
Shiny Diancie
Shiny Mewtwo
Shiny Marowak (Alolan)
 Nature and IV's for these please and what are you looking for I have BR, Br + Shiny, shiny, shiny breedjects.
Could you recomend a few battle ready mons. i have got a 6iv rock head ryhorn and a love ball snorlax with a careful nature. I have got a few other stuff as well. PM me if ur intrested.
P.S could you also give me some info on the mew and genesect

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