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[FOR TRADE] Shiny for Shiny! (and other stuff too)
hey everyone! my name's crow and i've been collecting shinies for quite a long time now. i'm always looking to expand my Friend Collection and i figured i'd give here a try. i've got some other stuff in there too, like various event legendaries and some br/6iv shinies, but most of them are just shiny.
[QUICK DISCLAIMER-] most of my shinies are traded from other people, so i can't guarantee that they're completely legit. (most of them probably aren't lol, theres a 0iv shiny darkrai in there somewhere) if you're picky about that sort of thing, i'll note which mons i've actually caught myself and know are legit, and which ones i actually know are clones because i have two or more of the same one.

i'd prefer to trade via friend code add and link trade, but i can do GTS as well if you only want one mon. i'm also looking for br pokemon (tapus/ubs/mimikyu in particular) so if you have any of those please do offer as well.



[Image: arceus.gif] [Image: azelf.gif] [Image: cobalion.gif]  [Image: cresselia.gif] [Image: darkrai.gif] [Image: deoxys-speed.gif][CLONE] [Image: deoxys-speed.gif][CLONE]   [Image: dialga.gif] [Image: diancie.gif] [Image: entei.gif]

[Image: genesect.gif] [Image: genesect.gif] [CLONE][Image: genesect.gif]  [CLONE][Image: groudon.gif]  [Image: ho-oh.gif] [Image: kyurem.gif] [Image: kyurem.gif] [Image: latias.gif] [Image: latios.gif] [Image: mewtwo.gif]

[Image: raikou.gif] [Image: rayquaza.gif] [Image: registeel.gif] [Image: suicune.gif] [Image: terrakion.gif]  [Image: thundurus-therian.gif]  [Image: zapdos.gif] [Image: zekrom.gif] 



i'm still looking for Marshadow/Volcanion to complete my living dex, so i thought i'd throw these in here just in case!

[Image: arceus.gif] [Image: celebi.gif] [Image: diancie.gif][LEGIT] [Image: genesect.gif]  [LEGIT][Image: hoopa.gif]  [Image: shaymin.gif] [Image: victini.gif]



[Image: aggron.gif]  [Image: aipom.gif] [Image: alakazam.gif] [Image: audino.gif] [Image: bisharp.gif] [Image: blitzle.gif]  [Image: braixen.gif] [Image: cinccino.gif] [Image: cleffa.gif] [Image: corsola.gif] [Image: druddigon.gif] [Image: dusknoir.gif] 

[Image: eelektross.gif] [Image: eevee.gif][6IV] [Image: electivire.gif]  [Image: emolga.gif] [Image: empoleon.gif] [Image: ferroseed.gif][LEGIT] [Image: frillish.gif] [Image: froslass.gif] [Image: gallade.gif] [Image: gengar.gif] [Image: gliscor.gif] 

[Image: golem.gif] [Image: gyarados-f.gif] [Image: haxorus.gif] [Image: houndoom.gif] [Image: hydreigon.gif] [Image: infernape.gif] [Image: luxray-f.gif] [Image: magmortar.gif] [Image: muk.gif] 

[Image: nidoking.gif] [Image: ponyta.gif]  [Image: pupitar.gif] [LV.100 UNEVOLVABLE] [Image: riolu.gif] [Image: roselia-f.gif] [Image: sandslash.gif] [Image: sharpedo.gif] [Image: skarmory.gif] [Image: starmie.gif] [Image: steelix.gif] [Image: stoutland.gif] [Image: swampert.gif] 

[Image: swellow.gif] [Image: trevenant.gif] [Image: typhlosion.gif] [Image: tyrantrum.gif] [Image: vigoroth.gif] [Image: vivillon-pokeball.gif] [Image: whiscash.gif] [LEGIT][Image: wigglytuff.gif] 
This is long as hell, so just feel free to make offers! I'll probably go for anything I don't have yet.

[Image: amaura.gif] [Image: ampharos.gif]  [Image: articuno.gif] [Image: blissey.gif] [Image: breloom.gif] [Image: buneary.gif] [Image: cherubi.gif] [Image: chimchar.gif] [Image: clauncher.gif] [Image: corphish.gif]  [Image: cranidos.gif]  [Image: croagunk.gif] [Image: darumaka.gif]  [Image: dedenne.gif] [Image: deerling.gif] 

[Image: ducklett.gif] [Image: dunsparce.gif] [Image: electrike.gif] [Image: farfetchd.gif] [Image: fennekin.gif] [Image: flabebe.gif] [Image: flabebe-blue.gif] [Image: flabebe-white.gif] [Image: fletchling.gif] [Image: flygon.gif] [Image: frillish-f.gif] [Image: furfrou.gif] [Image: furret.gif] [Image: glameow.gif]

[Image: goomy.gif] [Image: goodra.gif] [Image: heatmor.gif] [Image: helioptile.gif] [Image: heliolisk.gif] [Image: horsea.gif] [Image: jumpluff.gif] [Image: kabuto.gif] [Image: kabutops.gif] [Image: keldeo.gif] [Image: klefki.gif][Image: kyogre.gif] [Image: lapras.gif] [Image: litleo.gif] [Image: litwick.gif] [Image: lotad.gif]  

[Image: makuhita.gif] [Image: malamar.gif] [Image: mantyke.gif] [Image: mareep.gif] [Image: mesprit.gif] [Image: mienfoo.gif] [Image: mienshao.gif] [Image: mightyena.gif] [Image: miltank.gif] [Image: minccino.gif] [Image: moltres.gif] [Image: mudkip.gif]

[Image: munchlax.gif] [Image: noibat.gif] [Image: noivern.gif] [Image: pachirisu.gif] [Image: palkia.gif] [Image: pancham.gif] [Image: phanpy.gif] [Image: pikachu.gif] [Image: piplup.gif] [Image: plusle.gif] [Image: politoed.gif] [Image: poochyena.gif] [Image: psyduck.gif] 

[Image: regice.gif] [Image: regirock.gif] [Image: regigigas.gif] [Image: relicanth.gif] [Image: reshiram.gif][Image: reuniclus.gif] [Image: rhyhorn.gif] [Image: rotom.gif] [Image: sableye.gif] [Image: scraggy.gif] [Image: seedot.gif] 

[Image: sewaddle.gif] [Image: shaymin.gif] [Image: shellos.gif] [Image: shuckle.gif] [Image: sigilyph.gif] [Image: skiddo.gif] [Image: skorupi.gif] [Image: skrelp.gif] [Image: skuntank.gif] [Image: slowpoke.gif] [Image: snivy.gif] [Image: solosis.gif] [Image: spritzee.gif] [Image: surskit.gif] [Image: swablu.gif] 

[Image: swanna.gif] [Image: swirlix.gif]  [Image: talonflame.gif] [Image: tirtouga.gif] [Image: togepi.gif] [Image: togekiss.gif] [Image: tornadus.gif] [Image: totodile.gif] [Image: trapinch.gif] [Image: treecko.gif] [Image: trubbish.gif] [Image: turtwig.gif]  

[Image: tyranitar.gif] [Image: tyrunt.gif] [Image: uxie.gif] [Image: virizion.gif] [Image: volcarona.gif] [Image: wailmer.gif] [Image: whimsicott.gif] [Image: wooper.gif] [Image: yanma.gif]

[GEN 7]

[Image: bounsweet.gif] [Image: bruxish.gif]  [Image: buzzwole.gif] [Image: celesteela.gif]  [Image: comfey.gif] [Image: cutiefly.gif][Image: dewpider.gif] [Image: dhelmise.gif] [Image: drampa.gif] [Image: fomantis.gif] [Image: grubbin.gif]  [Image: guzzlord.gif] [Image: jangmo-o.gif] [Image: kartana.gif] [Image: komala.gif] [Image: litten.gif] [Image: lurantis.gif] 

[Image: lycanroc-midnight.gif] [Image: lycanroc.gif] [Image: mareanie.gif] [Image: mimikyu.gif] [Image: morelull.gif] [Image: oricorio-sensu.gif] [Image: oricorio.gif] [Image: palossand.gif] [Image: pheromosa.gif] [Image: pikipek.gif] [Image: popplio.gif] [Image: pyukumuku.gif] [Image: raichu-alola.gif] [Image: ribombee.gif] 

[Image: rockruff.gif] [Image: rowlet.gif] [Image: salazzle-f.gif] [Image: sandygast.gif] [Image: stufful.gif] [Image: togedemaru.gif] [Image: toucannon.gif] [Image: toxapex.gif] [Image: wimpod.gif] [Image: xurkitree.gif] [Image: yungoos.gif] 

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Shiny for Shiny! (and other stuff too) - by Crowcaws - Apr 6, 2018, 08:34 PM

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