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[FOR TRADE] Trade HA and Breedjects for other HA
Hey guys, I'm trying to collect HA for possible builds, I don't need IV or Nature. I'll update everytime I get something new to give.

HA Mareanie (Regenerator) with egg move (Haze), Bold 5IV, Love ball
HA Gibble (Rough Skin), Adamant 5IV, Beast Ball
HA Vulpix (Snow warning), with egg move (Freeze dry), Timid 5IV, Luxe Ball
Cubone (Lighting Rod), Adamant 5IV, Ultra ball
Sandile ,  Adamant 5IV, Quick ball
Gastly, Timid 5IV, Dusk Ball
Araqua, Impish 5IV, Ultra Ball

Deino, Ultra ball
Cyndaquil, PokeBall
Totodile, Dusk ball
Horsea, Ultra ball
Togepi, Beast ball
Swinub, Ultra Ball
Which of these are in regular pokeballs? @Naguro
+ Reps

Hello! I have some Grimer, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Eevee and Slowpoke with their HA, would you be interested in any of them?
(Dec 13, 2016, 04:40 PM)EAP Wrote: @Naguro 

Hello! I have some Grimer, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Eevee and Slowpoke with their HA, would you be interested in any of them?

Hey! I could trade you a Mareanie, Geodude, Cubone, Sandshrew or Fletchling for any HA Grimer.
“BLEH!” A sophisticated Shuppet.
@Naguro Hello I have HA Riolu and vulpix if interested
@xhinnn Updated

@EAP, @al19 Got Vulpix, but I need the others, tell me what you want ^^

I'm interested in your Gible and Deino, so tell me which ones do you want?  Smile


I'm sorry, I already have all of them. But if you have anything else PM me, it doesn't have to be 5IV or HA, I'm also interested in pokemon with EM ^^
(Dec 13, 2016, 04:40 PM)EAP Wrote: @Naguro 

Hello! I have some Grimer, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Eevee and Slowpoke with their HA, would you be interested in any of them?

Is it possible to get that HA Slowpoke. I have HA dratini, HA Rockruff and HA Vulpix

Sure, just PM so we can do the trade.   :D
@EAP I would liek to have Slowpoke and Sandshrew. Let me add you, I'll be online in 10min max

EDIT: I'm here

EITEDIT: Ty bruh, take a +1

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