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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking For More Safaris
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if you guys have any friend safaris with any cool or interesting pokemon. (A Safari with a middle starter evolution would be great!) Just leave a comment telling me your safari's type along with pokemon in it and your friend code.

I dont know what I have,Can you tell me?
My friend code is 0963-3437-8876
(Aug 21, 2016, 08:37 AM)Shayw1 Wrote: I dont know what I have,Can you tell me?
Ok. I dunno what Type I have. Just accept the friend code request
i hope you don't mind that i added you @Billybro i have mawlie,dedenne and floette thank you in advance for the add back  my fc is 2337-4862-8162 Smile .
Would you like one with Ditto?
Mine is fairy it has
Spritzee,kirlia, and floette
@Billybro. @Hightoker   @Shayw1 You guys can add me too

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