I have a fire Pokemon that need a few tweaks. I have event Pokemon willing to give for services!! Actually give them all no questions asked, these 6 Pokemon are the last of my fire collection ( only type I carish actually lol) so I am more than willing to give away all my events for this help! Thanks for reading!!
(Nov 14, 2017, 07:53 PM)Drangor2 Wrote: Ah, i heard though the exams were delayed or something, you can try to post on his topic since its not closed i think
I just remembered as well he already have the events I have, the last one that I had that he didn't was entei. So I guess the last 6 event Pokemon is for someone else who doesn't have...
(Nov 15, 2017, 04:04 AM)Mr. Ultracool Wrote: @"Kheegan" What kind of tweaks do you need?
Some very few things like nicknames or just pokeball, but one well...chandelier a whole makeover except for shiny and iv..hopefully you can help poor little ole me lolol I'll give you 5 events..except for ho_oh he's very special to me