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[FRIEND SAFARI] need more friends for safari
I wanna complete my dex in omega ruby but I dont have enough friends for friend safari in my X ver.
Please help me!
ING- sam
friend code 1349-8428-3906
Hey I can help you out!
Here's my 5344-0846-4042
FC: 0404 6548 9696
My info is under my avatar.Feel free to add me Smile I have ground type sandshrew-marowak-diggersby.
Thanks everyone
Info is under avatar. Will add everyone here. I have ghost.
yo add me if you want FC be to the left and I has an electric safari pretty shure bruv
Eckley is best grill
Go on and on, grow into a phenomenon
add me everyone, i will add you all.
Fc: 4184-2142-4293
I will add everyone here mine is flying hawlucha swoobat spearow
Good luck with the dex~
Name is R

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