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Follow Me Electivire?
Just to clarify, this is my first attempt at trying to make a build for a pokemon, so go easy on me  :P  
Also, I enjoy using pokemon that people don't normally use, which is why i'm asking about Electivire.

SO, I've been looking for a not-too-popular pokemon for doubles that can learn follow me/rage powder, and there are some interesting options, but the one that caught my attention was Electivire (because no one uses him lolz). It has the ability Motor Drive, which grants him immunity when hit with an electric type attack, while raising his speed one stage, which miiight come in handy? idk. But that's why i'm asking!

I'm not good at determining EV's, such as surviving an attack from a really strong attacker or something, so here are his base stats (according to Smogon):

HP: 75
Attack: 123
Defense: 67
Sp. Atk: 95
Sp. Def: 85
Speed: 95

He has a decent movepool. Some people use moves like Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Wild Charge, Earthquake, etc...
So what do y'all think? Could he pass for a random follow me pokemon to support a flying type or something? If so, what EV's would he have, as well as nature/item. Sorry if this was all over the place, I am a n00b. Can't wait to hear from y'all!
How did you find a Follow Me Electivire?

This is Electivire's base bulk: 75/67/85
and this is Pachirisu's: 60/70/95

They are similar, but Pachirisu gets recover from Volt Absorb which is huge for a Follow me user. Nuzzle, Super Fang/Helping Hand give great support too.

If you want a Follow Me Electivire you have to invest everything you can on defensive stats, but that means you don't have enough attack power to deal good damage against your opponent. If you invest 50/50 you have a bad hybrid, which cannot offer great support and still lacks attack power.

Howewer i can't forget about this:

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Bullet Punch
- Follow Me
- Protect

Inner Focus is the MVP of this set, but what i'm trying to say is you can go for a 252atk/252speed spread on Electivire while using Follow Me and other offensive moves.. and that would be a surprise element for sure.
Yeah, Pachirisu is definitely better, I just wanted to surprise people with a pokemon people don't normally use. What item would you put on Electivire? And I was going to do speed at first, but the motor drive would help with speed. Thing is, I would have to hope for someone to hit one of my pokemon with electricity. But ice moves are just as common if not more than electric, so the chance of getting hit with electric isn't too high. idk if it will be fast enough to out speed some of the dominant pokemon in the meta, even with motor drive.
There is also Clefable and blastoise that can learn follow me I believe.
Lucario would be pretty nice as well.
Just re-checked. The only Pokemon that can learn Follow Me are Sentret, Furret, Riolu, Lucario, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, Togepi, Togetic, and Pachirisu. Sorry. Sad If Electivire could learn Follow Me, I would have used it a LONG time ago.
(Jan 29, 2015, 10:08 AM)MagnusHexem Wrote: Just re-checked.  The only Pokemon that can learn Follow Me are Sentret, Furret, Riolu, Lucario, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, Togepi, Togetic, and Pachirisu.  Sorry. Sad  If Electivire could learn Follow Me, I would have used it a LONG time ago.

Yeah i didn't find Follow Me Electivire but i've searched a bit and found Electabuzz can learn Follow Me as a purification move in Pokemon XD. Rare but possible. (under "Special Attacks")
Stupid Smogon, telling me LIES! Sorry about that y'all
I'd say Serebii is better for finding moves like that. They have every possibility written, and the Gen 3 Colloseum games even have their moves on there. Speaking of that stuff....I went against a Follow Me Blastoise on Battle Spot. Obscure Gen 5 Japan-only event. Then it had Fake Out. Freaking hacker. This is why I rarely use Battle Spot to test my teams...
I'll just have to stick with little Pachy then

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