Regestration Closed
Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to host a mono type tournament for members of the forum. The first tournament will be for water types, but if there's a good response to it I'm hoping to turn it into a series with with every type eventually getting a tournament.
The tournament is in singles format and will start in a group stage where everyone will have to battle each other once, in a best of 1. Once all of the group stage battles are done the top 8 or top 4, depending on turn out, will advanced into the quarter or semifinals. Each of these matches will be done in best of 3.
The group stage will run for one week so everyone has plenty of time to organise battles.
Here's a list of all eligible pokemon:
Restricted pokemon are Mega Blastoice, Kyogre, Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, Mega Gyrados, Mega Sharpedo, Palkia, Keldeo and Volcanion. You are only aloud to have one on your team (Mega Swampert is banned as its mega stone has not been released yet)
If you would like to participate please make a post in this format:
Regestration will be open untill Wednesday and the group stage will start later that day.
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!