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@Vyaelra , What's your unova and jhoto starter? starter?
@tkitchen1234 Do you have ORAS? I need The other Unova Starters
@Flinger2004  I have all of the unova starters and for johto I have chikorita and cyndiquil, I saw your trading notification though (dunno if you got my pm or not) but I'm chaining for a shiny fletchling atm so sorry I couldn't accept yet :D
Trade Now?
I'll Give you worthless Pokemon that you can trade back after breeding
Or Pokemon You already have but like.
@tkitchen1234 @Flinger2004 @Vyaelra Mine is 4957 2868 7600
@SonBrian  Added!

@Flinger2004 Sorry I didn't even check the forums to see if anyone responded Rolleyes  I can just breed out the unova starters and I'll pick out a few that I'd like in return, I'm missing little things like rattatata and meowth so I'll get back to you tomorrow morning and we can trade then :D
Ok. Thanks
@Vyaelra , doy uo have skype?

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